The Benefits of Music

Music is good for the human soul. Research has discovered endless benefits of learning music. To explore more, here are some articles.*
The Benefits of Learning Music
The Benefits of Learning Music
Music Lessons Spur Emotional and Behavioral Growth in Children
Music Lessons Spur Emotional and Behavioral Growth in Children

“Musical training is a more potent
instrument than any other,
because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul.”

-Plato, The Republic

“Music can change the world
because it can change people.”

– Bono

Could playing Tchaikovsky's 'Nutcracker' and other music improve kids' brains?
Could playing Tchaikovsky’s ‘Nutcracker’ and other music improve kids’ brains?
Is Playing a Musical Instrument Good for Your Health?
Is Playing a Musical Instrument Good for Your Health?
Your Aging Brain Will Be in Better Shape If You've Taken Music Lessons
Your Aging Brain Will Be in Better Shape If You’ve Taken Music Lessons
Music lessons may boost IQ and grades
Music lessons may boost IQ and grades
Children with mental health issues should learn the violin
Children with mental health issues should learn the violin
New Evidence Links Music Education, Higher Test Scores
New Evidence Links Music Education, Higher Test Scores

How playing an instrument benefits your brain
Your Kid’s Brain on Music
Your Kid’s Brain on Music
Music Education Can Help Children Improve Reading Skills
Music Education Can Help Children Improve Reading Skills
This Is How Music Can Change Your Brain
This Is How Music Can Change Your Brain
An Investigation of Secondary School Students' Self-Reported Reasons for Extracurricular Musical and Athletic Activities
An Investigation of Secondary School Students’ Self-Reported Reasons for Extracurricular Musical and Athletic Activities
The Scientific Reasons We Should Teach Music to Kids in School
The Scientific Reasons We Should Teach Music to Kids in School
If you come across any interesting articles on the benefits of music, helps us share it here by emailing us the link. Thanks!
Disclaimer: The above articles have been provided purely to kickstart your exploration on the benefits of music. Passion Music has not verified the authenticity of the information provided in the above articles. Readers are encouraged to do their own research.